Share the Love month

Share the Love month Image
Share the Love month January 22, 2018

February is a month of chocolates, cards, hearts. It's a veritable celebration of love. And this year, we've created a number of opportunities to connect with fellow Vikings or a special someone and to express our appreciation for you.

About Manhood Series: A Series of Crashes
February 5, 4:00 p.m.
CEO Scott Phillips Jr. share how by failing forward and resolving his blind spots, he turned into a business executive/millionaire by age 31. 

Alumni Night at the Q: Cavs vs Minnesota Timberwolves
February 7, 8:00 p.m.

Very Viking Valentine Reception
February 9, 5:00 p.m.
Enjoy an intimate evening at the Kimpton Schofield Hotel in Downtown Cleveland indulging in sumptuous cheese and wine pairings.

Viking Overnight: Romantic Getaway
February 9-10
The Very Viking Valentine reception, dinner at Parker's Downtown, the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra and an overnight stay at the Kimpton Schofield Hotel.

Passport Cleveland: Dances of Love
February 23, 5:30 p.m.
Put on your dancing shoes and join us for a fun filled evening.

Did you meet your spouse on the CSU campus? Send us a very brief account of how you met, plus a picture of the two of you. The randomly chosen winner will receive a basket of assorted chocolates. We'll also feature the winner in our Viking Pride e-newsletter. If you post your story and picture on social media (why not?), please use the hashtag #VowedVikings so we can see them all!