Brian's Corner

To every season, turn, turn, turn

Spring is in the air… as is the pollen! My car and my lungs are covered with it.  So, I’m reminded…with every yin, there’s a yang.

On campus, we’ve observed students cramming for their exams, taking part in traditional end-of-the-year recognition activities, and for many -- commencement.  Last weekend, over 2,000 Vikings joined our alumni ranks. Welcome to the alumni association new graduates!

Commencement is always a special time of year. Observing students walk across the stage is so special. I find watching the expressions on family faces to be even more joyful. The African proverb “It takes a village” comes across loud and clear. Just like our graduates, so many of us have our own villages that provide different dimensions of support throughout our lives. None of us truly succeed alone.

I recently returned from a personal trip to Cuba. As an amateur photographer, I’ve been drawn to photos I’ve seen of the classic 1950s American cars, the men rolling cigars, the history and the Caribbean architecture. I didn’t quite know what to expect when I booked the trip.

The trip turned out to be quite remarkable, and I could go on and on about all I observed, the great shots I took, the gracious citizens, the old cars, and on and on and on. What stood out most for me, however, was how little the Cubans had in material possessions and how they seemed less phased by what they didn’t have than by what they did have. 

Through travel abroad, I always gain an appreciation for other cultures. At the same time, I return appreciating how fortunate I am to be an American. Yin and Yang.

Brian Breittholz,
Executive Director, CSU Alumni Association
Assistant Vice President, Alumni Affairs